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Willkommen bei M-EINHORN

Strategische Marken Kommunikation 
für Gründer und Leader 

Gemeinsam machen wir dein Unternehmen zum Einhorn deiner Branche: erfolgreich und konkurrenzlos,
in 6 - 12 Monaten. 

Ganz ohne selbst-und-ständig Hustle Culture -
dafür mit Authentizität, Herz und System 


Ein paar Zahlen, Daten, Fakten 🤓 


Du möchtest dein Unternehmen wirklich von der Konkurrenz absetzen und eine Positionierung die dich und dein Angebot einzigartig macht?


Dann lass uns sprechen:

Kundenstimmen  🎤

Hanna was not only my team lead but also my mentor! In the 1.5 years we worked together she turned me into a Salesforce expert!

Thanks to her extensive knowledge, support, sprit and personality she always challenged me to grow and be hungry to learn more.

Hanna has also all the skills which make a great leader: patience, respect, and motivate others to succeed and help them do so
If you get the chance to work with her do it - you won't be disappointed!

- Sofia Rizzi,                Lead Tech Consultant

“Hanna is absolutely amazing to work with! If you have the opportunity - do it.

Don't think twice. Her deep understanding of marketing (strategic, tactical and technical) is exceptional.

It's unlikely you'll find anyone like her again. ”

- Sven Sauder, Founder

“Hanna is the definition of a leader.

She is knowledgeable, supportive, inspiring and always challenged me to learn and grow.

Hanna knows how to lead people and get their full potential out of them, as well as set the team goals and bring everyone to work towards them.

Amazing leader and even greater person in general!.”

-Agata Kwiatkowska,      Tech Consultant

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